Licenciatura en Arqueología y Antropología Forense
Bradford, Reino Unido
3 Years
Tiempo completo
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Sep 2024
GBP 23.290 *
En el campus
* Estudiantes del Reino Unido |internacional: £23,290
Esta carrera explora cómo se utilizan las técnicas arqueológicas y el análisis de restos humanos en un contexto forense (médico-legal).
Obtendrá una base completa en excavaciones arqueológicas, estudios y registros de escenas del crimen.
Además, también aprenderá sobre anatomía humana y análisis antropológico de restos humanos, incluida la edad, el sexo, la evaluación de la ascendencia y el análisis e interpretación del trauma.
Los módulos especializados le permitirán comprender cómo se utilizan las técnicas científicas para elaborar un perfil biológico de restos no identificados; procesos de descomposición (y conservación) de tejidos humanos y materiales asociados; análisis de traumas; e identificación forense de personas vivas.
También comprenderá los principios científicos y cómo se deben presentar los datos en un contexto legal.
Acreditación profesional
Este curso está acreditado por el Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) y la University Archaeology UK (UAUK), y por la Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (CSFS).
Plan de estudios
What you will study
All module information is for 2023 entry and is subject to change.
- Independent Study for Forensic Scientists
- Principles of Forensic Crime Scene Investigation
- Introduction to Archaeological Methods
- Biological Anthropology: From Human Evolution to Forensic Anthropology
- Scientific Frameworks
- Field Recording Skills
Second year
- Forensic Examination and Analysis of Physical Evidence
- Statistics and Databases for Forensic Scientists
- Laboratory Science
- Comparative Osteology
- Archaeological Practice
- Virtual Anatomy for Forensic Sciences
- Biometrics and Human Identification
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Forensic Biology
Final year
- Dissertation
- Interpretation and Presentation of Forensic Evidence for Forensic Science
- Forensic Anthropology
- Forensic Archaeology
- Forensic Taphonomy
- Recent Advances in the Analysis of Human Remains
Learning and assessment
You will learn through a mixture of lectures, seminars, laboratory and field practicals, workshops, case studies, and directed study. Directed study will include directed reading of selected textbooks, specified source literature and open learning materials, directed web-based materials, report writing, and other assignments. There will also be an individual project/dissertation.
You will be assessed by written closed-book examinations using constructed (essays, short answers) and selected response (MCQ) questions and a variety of coursework assignments, including laboratory reports, oral presentations, and dissertations.
There will also be involvement in the laboratory, small-group workshops, case-based work, and projects (individual and small group). You will be assessed by critical appraisal, case analysis and critique, case presentations, laboratory reports, and dissertations.
The research dissertation develops your ability to undertake independent research and plan this research effectively. Presentations, the witness statement, and the mock court exercise will develop your professional oral and written presentation skills.
La University of Bradford ocupa el puesto 11 en el Reino Unido en la Complete University Guide Forensic Science Subject League Table 2025.
University of Bradford honoured with Queen’s Anniversary Prize for outstanding archaeology
We have been awarded a 2021 Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for our world-leading work in developing archaeological technology and techniques and its influence on practice, policy, and society.
Este prestigioso galardón, que premia la excelencia y los logros de talla mundial, es la forma más alta de reconocimiento nacional que pueden lograr las instituciones de educación superior del Reino Unido. La Universidad ha sido distinguida por su liderazgo e innovación en el campo de las técnicas, la tecnología y las prácticas de la arqueología, tanto en el Reino Unido como en todo el mundo.
Oportunidades profesionales
Career prospects
Bradford archaeology graduates are highly sought after by employers. Part of that is down to a national shortage of archaeologists but another part is that Bradford has one of the world’s leading schools and a breadth of experience that spans over 40 years.
For all students, our investment in fieldwork, and our dedicated ‘hands-on’ approach to teaching has ensured that Bradford graduates have long been seen as extremely well-grounded in the skills and knowledge that employers look for.
Career support
The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programs. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work, and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the Careers website.
Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of our programs, there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.
Cuota de matrícula del programa
Becas y Financiamiento
Every year we award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU and international students based on academic excellence, personal circumstances or economic hardship.